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I remember my launch call with Sweet Oak Events. We were doing a screen share so I could show her all about her new Showit website and how to update the backend, when I went to show her something on my own website.

And in that moment, I realized just how much better my design skills had gotten.

My style had been refined. And with horror, I also realized that my website was no longer a good representation of my work.

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As a creative, have you ever felt like your work wasn’t good enough? Have you ever struggled with feeling like you should be better by now, should create bigger masterpieces, or that your work is constantly falling short of your own expectations? 

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Creating a raving client experience is all about setting the right expectations with your clients. Episode 4 of the Hygge Hour Podcast explores how!

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Within 24 hours of launch, Cassie had already booked a client 2k higher than she has ever charged. Investing in a custom brand and Showit website is already paying off!

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Norwegian turned Southerner (y'all and all included) helping you mix the best of Scandinavian hygge with American Entrepreneurship through strategic Showit websites and actionable business tips.

Grab a coffee and stay a while, won't you?

I'm Ida

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Showit Template Shop

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Custom Design

I’m so excited to share this Showit template transformation with you. Allison with Kindly Delivered did an incredible job customizing her template, really making it her own.

Eloise Kate Showit Template Showcase – Kindly Delivered

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Showit, Showit Template, Testimonials

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Maggie came to me ready to uplevel her business with a more refined look to help her confidently step into the luxury wedding market. 

Custom brand and Showit template customization for Maggie Mills Photography

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Branding, project, Showit, Showit Template

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Custom Brand

Working on Julia Kentner Films’ custom brand and Showit website template customization was an absolute dream. Before working with me, Julia did not yet have a website for her wedding videography business but had managed to be quite successful without one. I had no doubt that this project would help move her forward quickly, but […]

Custom brand for Julia Kentner Films

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Branding, Showit, Testimonials

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When I saw Megan in my inbox, I did a double-take. As the leader of our local Tuesdays together chapter, Megan was one of the first people I met once I joined the creative entrepreneurship world back in 2019. I am so thrilled to now share the launch of her new brand and website! Megan […]

Megan Travis Photography Branding and Website Design

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Branding, project, Showit

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Custom Showit website and branding project for wedding videographer Reclick creative.

Showit website for wedding videographer Reclick Creative

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Branding, project, Showit, Showit Tips

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No. 3

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Let's craft a brand and website that truly feels like home so you can attract those dreamy clients with ease.

Work with Ida

No. 2

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Easy to use Showit website templates and add-ons for your creative business! 

Showit Template Shop

No. 1

I've gathered up my top tools and resources for running a thriving online business!


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Norwegian turned Southerner (y'all and all included) helping you mix the best of Scandinavian hygge with American Entrepreneurship through strategic Showit websites and actionable business tips.

Grab a coffee and stay a while, won't you?

I'm Ida

meet ida →

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Showit Template Shop

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Custom Design

a match made in heaven:

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My 7 day DIY web design process revealed

Sign up below to receive my DIY and get it DONE: The ultimate guide to launching your website in just 7 days that will make the web design process a breeze!



© HYGGE DESIGN CO., L.L.C., 2019-2022