After rebranding Kindly Delivered during the fall of 2021, Allison was left with incredible brand assets and a brand that finally felt like her, but then she had the realization in early 2023 that her current website was not doing her brand justice, nor was it bringing in the kind of clients she was wanting to work with.
Over time, she had tweaked and tweaked her Showit website to the point that it now felt overwhelming and confusing, even to her.
And that is actually a quite common problem I see with websites, over time, as we adjust and make changes, it takes on a life of its own, and the only true way to fix it is to just start over with fresh eyes and an opportunity to leave behind what is no longer working.
Allison and I actually chatted about going the custom route, but quickly realized that the Eloise Kate template already had the exact feel and overall layout that she was needing. Add in the fact that Allison was already confident and proficient with Showit, the DIY route was the perfect fit!
Allison did an incredible job putting her new site together. Where her previous site felt long and overwhelming with blocks of text, the new site has the same amount of information, just laid out in a way that is easier to digest for potential clients (and planners), and also fits her overall brand aesthetic better!
She also added on the Showit pricing guide and proposal pages to fully build out her site with extra pages to support her people!
Here’s what Allison had to say aout the template:
“The Eloise Kate template made my website look next level. I wouldn’t hesitate to say it took my DIY website from average / mid-market to a more high-end market. The template is so simple and sophisticated, it literally lets my work speak for itself without the need for flashy details or over-designed elements. I had branding done by Hygge Design Co as well that I could rave about for days. The Eloise Kate template was the perfect complement to my branding. If you can’t tell, I couldn’t be more thrilled with out well it turned out.”
Favorite things about the template:
– I loved how seamlessly I was able to include all of my wording from my copywriter. It literally just made sense to where to put each block of text because Ida did such a good job of setting up the template.
– Speaking of wording, Ida didn’t use a lot of Lorem Ipsum, she actually used prompts that made sense to help you fill in with your own wording.
– Picture placement and mobile set up were a breeze because it was set up so well.
– I love the galleries for the portfolio. Before I had 8 pages for each gallery with back buttons that weren’t easy to find. Now, all of my portfolio galleries are on one page – so easy to navigate, you just close one and choose the next to view!
– When I was first looking at this template, I wondered if there were enough different pages and canvases to house my many different web pages I needed to put on my website. Let me tell you, there were plenty! I did buy the add-on pricing and proposal pages for a few different canvases, but that was enough to make my website so seamless.
Since implementing her custom brand and Showit template, Allison has been able to book clients at a higher rate, resulting in better profit margins, and the ability to take on less (without sacrificing her income)
Are you ready for a high-end Showit website of your own that will allow you to book more ideal clients? Head on over to the shop to browse the collection!

I’m truly blown away by the Showit template transformation Allison was able to do — and the stationery guide page might be my favorite!